161680 - SIMBA

  • Age: 10 months
  • Sex: m
  • Size: big
  • Came to shelter: 28.03.2017
  • Place: Tallinn, Sinirebase
  • gone: to a new home, 04.04.2017
  • Was at shelter: 8 days
  • Castrated: yes
  • Additional information:
    Omanik loobus.
  • 161680 - SIMBA
  • 161680 - SIMBA
  • 161680 - SIMBA
  • 161680 - SIMBA

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  1. Helina 05.04.2017 08:57:05
    Simba esimene öö uues kodus. Oli küll enamuse ajast peidus kuid sõi ilusti ning kohaneb.