• Age: 5 months
  • Sex: f
  • Size: small
  • Came to shelter: 18.01.2024
  • Place: CHEDA 2024.0000286
  • gone: to a new home, 17.02.2024
  • Was at shelter: 31 days
  • Sterilized: unknown
  • Additional information:
    kaal 7,3kg
    suurus, kui korgi (lühikesed käppakesed)

    23.02.2024 - UUDISTEGA KODUST

    Good morning,

    we send you the first photos of Camilla at home (you can use them on your site if you like)
    She has already become the boss of the house and the sofa is all hers :)
    Yesterday she also came to work in the office with me for the first time, she behaved very well.

    Thank you all.
    See you then in April for the sterilization.

    Have a nice weekend
  • 79110 - CAMILLA (IRISHA)
  • 79110 - CAMILLA (IRISHA)
  • 79110 - CAMILLA (IRISHA)
  • 79110 - CAMILLA (IRISHA)
  • 79110 - CAMILLA (IRISHA)
  • 79110 - CAMILLA (IRISHA)
  • 79110 - CAMILLA (IRISHA)
  • 79110 - CAMILLA (IRISHA)
  • 79110 - CAMILLA (IRISHA)
  • 79110 - CAMILLA (IRISHA)

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  1. Надежда 01.02.2024 15:33:58
    Лапочка маленькая,Иришка.