Your call is worth the money – help is priceless.
Call and Donate.
69822 - GITA
- Age: 2 years
- Sex:
- Size: middle
- Came to shelter: 03.08.2022
- Place: CHEDA 2022.0004299
- Ready to be re-homed from: 03.08.2022
- Already waiting for a new owner: 950 days
- Sterilized: yes
- Additional information:
kaal 22kg
Offer your help
As long as local government supports this animal no more we have to ask for your support.
Please let this dog stay with us as long, as it meets with his new and loving owner by donating 5, 15 or 30 euro.
- Where is animal now: LOOMADE HOIUPAIK, Sinirebase 24, Tallinn, ESTONIA
Ask more information about this pet:
Ph: +372 53 494 045 - recieves calls daily from 10 to 5pm
email: adopt[a]
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Хорошая собака для дома. Жаль, что так долго ждёт новых хозяев. Найдутся душевные люди для тебя.
Miks keegi seda armast koera koju ei vii :( nii tahaks ise võtta kui ühe toalises ei elaks:( Hoian talle pöidlaid pihus
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Грустная девочка, уже полтора года в приюте. Каждому нужен свой дом и любящий хозяин.
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