73665 - RIKKI

  • Age: 4 years
  • Sex: m
  • Size: middle
  • Came to shelter: 23.02.2023
  • Place: Tallinn, Sinirebase
  • Ready to be re-homed from: 08.03.2023
  • Already waiting for a new owner: 659 days
  • Castrated: yes
  • Additional information:
    23.02.2023 - Omanik loobus
    Omanik oli vana naine, kelle nägemine halvenes, ning ta enam koeraga ei saanud hakkama. Sugulased võtsid naise enda juurde koos koeraga, kuid RIKKI ei saanud hakkama koos teiste isastega seal peres (SLK).

  • Offer your help
    As long as local government supports this animal no more we have to ask for your support.
    Please let this dog stay with us as long, as it meets with his new and loving owner by donating 5, 15 or 30 euro.

  • Where is animal now: LOOMADE HOIUPAIK, Sinirebase 24, Tallinn, ESTONIA

  • Ask more information about this pet:
    Ph: +372 53 494 045 - recieves calls daily from 10 to 5pm
    email: adopt[a]pets.ee
  • 73665 - RIKKI
  • 73665 - RIKKI
  • 73665 - RIKKI
  • 73665 - RIKKI
  • 73665 - RIKKI
  • 73665 - RIKKI
  • 73665 - RIKKI
  • 73665 - RIKKI
  • 73665 - RIKKI
  • 73665 - RIKKI
  • 73665 - RIKKI
  • 73665 - RIKKI
  • 73665 - RIKKI
  • 73665 - RIKKI
  • 73665 - RIKKI
  • 73665 - RIKKI
  • 73665 - RIKKI
  • 73665 - RIKKI
  • 73665 - RIKKI
  • 73665 - RIKKI
  • 73665 - RIKKI
  • 73665 - RIKKI

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  1. Nats 10.09.2023 11:58:56
    Krasivaja sobaka
  2. Михаил 24.03.2023 14:54:40
    Пес классный, выглядит сильно
  3. Светлана 15.03.2023 11:21:02
    Мой типаж, красивый очень
  4. Тамара 27.02.2023 15:43:16
    Красавец Рикки, но "маленьким" его все-таки не назовешь.