• Age: 1 month
  • Sex: m
  • Size: small
  • Came to shelter: 25.09.2024
  • Place: Tallinn, Sinirebase
  • Ready to be re-homed from: 25.10.2024
  • Castrated: no
  • Additional information:
    skpv: 25.08.2024
    ema: https://www.pets.ee/hoiupaik/koerad/27247.htm
    kaal (24.09.2024): 0,78kg

  • Where is animal now: LOOMADE HOIUPAIK, Sinirebase 24, Tallinn, ESTONIA

  • Ask more information about this pet:
    Ph: +372 53 494 045 - recieves calls daily from 10 to 5pm
    email: adopt[a]pets.ee
  • 83490
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