80379 - BAHA

  • Возраст: 2 года
  • Пол: m
  • Размер: большая
  • Поступление в приют: 03.05.2024
  • Место отлова: CHEDA 2024.0001912
  • Уехал/а: в новый дом, 15.06.2024
  • На день отъезда сидел/а в приюте: 44-й день
  • Кастрирован: да
  • Дополнительная информация:
    17.06.2024 - UUDISTEGA KODUST
    "Hi guys,
    Greetings from Finland :)
    Baha arrived at his new home and got to know and became a friend to his new older sisters and older brother (English toy terriers).
    The first night he slept better than me and woke up stretching after when I myself had woken up. He slept so peacefully in his own place that at night I almost worried if everything was okay.:)
    Today we have already gotten to know the neighbors and the boy stole everyone's hearts.<3 In the photo, Baha after a bath and ”trimming”. There was handsome boy inside. He just enjoyed everything bath and grooming etc. Incredible!
    By this far everything here has gone better than well. Many thanks to everyone. Let’s keep touch. :)
    Br. Baha and Toni"
    koer on päästetud BAHMUTist
    kaal 32,8kg
  • 80379 - BAHA
  • 80379 - BAHA
  • 80379 - BAHA
  • 80379 - BAHA
  • 80379 - BAHA
  • 80379 - BAHA
  • 80379 - BAHA
  • 80379 - BAHA
  • 80379 - BAHA
  • 80379 - BAHA
  • 80379 - BAHA
  • 80379 - BAHA
  • 80379 - BAHA
  • 80379 - BAHA
  • 80379 - BAHA

Ваш комментарий на премодерации.


  1. Mariana 19.05.2024 23:24:33
    Is he friendly with small kids and other pets(dogs and cats)?
  2. Надежда 04.05.2024 16:15:27
    Настрадался парень,любви и заботы от добрых людей. По фото,так дратхар.